Bárbara Bomfim
Applied research and
innovative strategies to amplify
Nature based Solutions

I'm a forest engineer, soil scientist and ecosystem biogeochemist driven by the mission of uncovering the role natural and human-engineered terrestrial systems play to ensure a livable world for future generations under climate change pressure.
I currently work as a Specialist in Carbon Markets and Finance and Nature-Based Solutions at WWF-Brazil, also acting as leader of the Supply Group of the WWF Network's Carbon Finance and Markets Task Force.
I voluntarily serve as President of the Board of Directors of Rede Mulher Florestal, a non-governmental organization focused on gender equity in the Brazilian forestry sector.


Research and Development
Sports and Outreach
Environmental Projects

1,600 years of increasing tree cover in Amazon-savanna transition

Improving Sustainable Tropical Forestry with Voluntary Carbon Markets

Drought and warming effects on Mediterranean prairies in the U.S. Pacific Northwest

Sustainable forestry in Amazonia maintains soil health and carbon

Land-use change and topography alter soil functioning in the Atlantic Forest

Soil biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in a Neotropical savanna